
Drive Success with SMS Text Marketing!

Elevate your marketing strategy with our cutting-edge SMS Marketing platform.

Want an effective way to reach your customers?

With Cherub SMS, you can send messages to one group or multiple groups at once. Imagine the convenience of reaching all your customers with just a few clicks. You can also schedule messages to be sent at a later time, so you can plan your marketing strategy in advance.

Picture this ...

You have an amazing deal or discount that you want to promote. With Cherub SMS, you can effortlessly announce your offers to your customers, bringing in a massive influx of business. Say goodbye to traditional advertising methods that often go unnoticed. With Cherub SMS, you can be sure that your message will be read by your customers.


Boost sales and engage clients with Cherub SMS, the top SMS marketing platform. Tap into the power of our innovative and effective SMS marketing solutions to reach your mobile audience successfully.

Get started today


How Can Cherub SMS Help Boost Sales and Engage Clients?

High open rates

SMS messages have an astounding 98% open rate, making it more likely that your customers will see and engage with your messages compared to email or social media marketing.


When you send a text to your customers, it's because they asked for it—literally. They gave you their phone number and explicitly permitted you to send them messages. When they receive a text from you, it's almost always a message they wanted—if not, they'll unsubscribe.

Increased customer loyalty

Encourage customers to join your loyalty program through SMS and provide exclusive rewards, such as free drinks, discounts, or early access to new products.

Personalized communication

SMS marketing allows you to segment your audience and send targeted messages based on customer preferences, purchase history, or location.

Instant delivery

With SMS, you can reach customers in real-time, allowing you to send promotions, updates, and news that are timely and relevant.

Data-driven insights

Analyse response rates & feedback from SMS campaigns for customer insights & adjust strategies.

Your Success Awaits

Cherub SMS Text Marketing is what you've been looking for!

Don't miss out on the opportunity to increase your response rate. SMS marketing has a staggering 200% response rate compared to email, phone, or social media marketing. So why wait? Take action today and create effective SMS marketing campaigns easily with Cherub SMS. Reach your customers where they are most likely to see your message and watch your business thrive!

Sign up and start sending today!


Effective SMS Text Marketing

You are not alone. Let Cherub assist with your SMS Marketing efforts.
Here's a sample of what you can do with our platform.